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17 سبتمبر 2018

6 PM WEATHER UPDATE: Warnings have expired in Richmond area for now; tornado and flood threat not over for the evening

6 PM WEATHER UPDATE: Warnings have expired in Richmond area for now; tornado and flood threat not over for the evening

It's a temporary "all clear" for tornado warnings in the Richmond metro area, but the severe weather threat isn't entirely over for the evening.

A tornado watch is in effect for much of central Virginia until 10 p.m., meaning that storms may rotate and produce more tornadoes in this region.

At 6 p.m., a line of heavy rain was stretched through Crewe, Amelia, Powhatan, western Henrico, and northeast toward Colonial Beach, and moving very slowly to the northeast.
Tornado watch
Tornado watch in effect until 10 p.m. for this region of central and northern Virginia.
At 6 p.m., a line of heavy rain was stretched through Crewe, Amelia, Powhatan, western Henrico, and northeast toward Colonial Beach, and moving very slowly to the northeast.
These prolonged downpours could
eventually lead to high water on roads and creeks on the western side of the metro area.
A flash flood watch is also in effect for much of central Virginia, including the Richmond area, until 8 p.m.
Flash flood watch
We're following the latest damage reports and pictures here.
Morning updates:
A tornado struck Mecklenburg County at approximately 10:38 a.m., according to the National Weather Service.
The storm damaged a residence several miles north of Boydton and downed numerous trees. The tornado was also sighted by law enforcement.
Side-by-side map of Doppler radar reflectivity (left) and velocity (right) at 10:27 a.m., right before a tornado struck Mecklenburg County. The area of rotation was embedded in heavy rain as it tracked northwest of Boydton.
Doppler radar detected strong rotation wrapped in heavy rain, followed by a signature indicating that debris that had been lofted into the storm.
A tornado warning was issued for that area at 10:28 a.m.

Florence's remnants may spawn tornado threat today
Tornadoes could threaten parts of central Virginia today and tonight as the rain bands from Florence pass through.
Monday radar forecast
Computer model simulation of radar across the Northeast U.S. today. Note the downpours and storms moving from southwest to northeast across Virginia.
Tuesday will bring another round of downpours and storms to the area, but drier weather will return on Wednesday.
Along with catastrophic flooding, Florence has spawned numerous tornado warnings since Friday, mainly across North Carolina.
Tropical storms caused most of the tornadoes that have happened in Virginia during August and September.
On Sept. 17, 2004, the remnants of Hurricane Ivan spawned 38 tornadoes in Virginia, the most on record for the state in a single day.A

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